Thursday, June 10, 2010

Letting Go

We walked along the beach on Sunday, and saw dolphins arcing out of the water, pelicans hunting for dinner and a seal bobbing along some fifty feet from the shore.  And it struck me, this really ain't Manhattan.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, but I had decided just a couple of days before that it was time to relinquish my 917 cell number.  My weary Blackberry Pearl decided about a month ago that it no longer wished to scroll left (making it difficult, although not impossible to navigate around the device).  It's been time to upgrade my phone for a while now, but this was the last straw.

No-one can accuse me of being an early adopter.  I activated my refurbished iPhone 3G on the same day that Steve Jobs announced the shiny new 4th generation version.  ("Refurbished" by the way, does not appear to mean second- hand - my phone was pristine in its box.  Instead, it seems to mean unwanted - as in a returned Christmas gift, which ATT can no longer sell as new, even though it has never been used.  Buying refurbished saved me $50).

And reader, although I know I am late to the party, I love it!  Urbanspoon was the first application I installed.  For the remaining un-Appled masses, who haven't heard about this, I should explain that this is a nifty little program that allows you to shake the phone, and be rewarded with a restaurant suggestion close to your current location.  Even more satisfyingly, given my upcoming travel plans, the shaking trick works in London, which should be very handy once the nephew and niece get fed up with the Tower or Buckingham Palace.  TripIt was second (handy to have my honeymoon plans at my fingertips), and I have spent way too much time at the app store on iTunes since the beginning of the week.

But the really big deal is that my cell number has changed, and with it, the last remnant of my New York life will expire on July 4th.  Which bizarrely, also happens to be the day after my wedding, when I'll also be letting go of my maiden name.  Not to mention the anniversary of some Independence thing.

In the meantime, I have to consider whether marrying an American means that I need to let go of some other allegiances, like my English-ness.  I guess I'll let you know, after the US - England World Cup game at the weekend.  Which reminds me, surely there's an app for that?  I better go check...

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